
«TimelySoft» has an extensive experience with advanced Microsoft technologies. The company develops high quality and reliable business applications for various industries.

Одним из направлений деятельности компании является разработка уникальных приложений на платформе .NET для решения нетипичных задач.   Компания продолжает работать над освоением и внедрением новых технологий для того, чтобы сделать бизнес успешнее!  

Core competencies and applied technologies of the company:

  • IT Projects Management:
    • Agile
    • SCRUM
    • KANBAN
  • Database development and support:
    • MSSQL Server 7.0-2012 (OLTP, MSRS, SSIS, OLAP)
  • Software development and support:
    • C # (.NET Framework, Mono)
    • JAVA (JSEE, Android)
    • GIS.

We support clients throughout the complete cycle of the project

  • Pre-project survey
  • Development of technical requirements
  • System design
  • Development, testing
  • Implementation
  • Training of staff
  • Technical support of the system.

Additional direction of our company is to develop unique applications on the .NET platform to solve unique business problems. The company continues to work on a development and introduction of new technologies to support improvements in business's effectiveness and productivity.

«TimelySoft» has successfully completed a number of customized software development projects.

Find out more about projects of «TimelySoft».